Project help - setting up a new project any helpful hints

I just started a regional project and have 5 members. But when I open the project it only shows 1 observer (me) even though there are other members…how do I make sure those member observations are added and they become observers.

It would be helpful to post a link to the project you are referring to.

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Southern Maryland Native Plant People. Newly created this morning. Limited to just 5 counties in Maryland.

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I am seeing nine members right now, and three observers. It may be that the other observers didn’t add anything to the project/ don’t have obs that qualify for the requirements of the project. Hope this helps!

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Since I made the start date 1/1/24 I assumed it would collect the observations since that date from all members. But perhaps it only collects data from the date they joined the project? For at least 3 members it did include past data but not all. Can you clarify? Do these members need to do more than “join”. Or do I as admin need to do something more?

I don’t think they need to do more than join, if observations that qualify for the requirements aren’t showing, I’m not sure why that could be happening.

A few things:

  • it would be helpful for us if you can share the URLs (aka web addresses) observations you think should be in the project but are not. Specificity is key when troubleshooting.

  • it looks like you turned on both the Users requirement and the “Project Members Only” requirement. Since those cancel each other out, you have to either add lists of users, or turn on "Project Members Only.

  • your start date includes a specific time - did you mean to add the time?

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