I am still confused by the behavior of the Identify mode with respect to when reviewed observations are eliminated and the page(s) refreshed. So I have some questions.
The fundamental issue is: When/how is the queue of unreviewed observations refreshed, either explicitly or in the background. The current behavior is baffling. I’ll try to break this down into some small questions on specific actions. All of these questions refer to the Identify mode, with or without a selected taxon, location, or other filters.
FWIW, I work on an older MacBook Air laptop with OS 10.11.6 and the latest Chrome available for that system (103.0.5060.134 (Official Build) (x86_64)). But I’m seeing the same basic (confusing) behavior using Safari or Firefox.
Q1. What does the “View More” actually accomplish? I assume it refreshes the queue, eliminating Reviewed observations. Does it also add very recently uploaded observations now needing ID? IF I am several pages into an ID session, where does it reposition me?
Q2. When switching to a different page of observations (e.g. page 1 to page 2, or page 10 to 11, or any change in pages)–without refreshing the selection–are recent new observations (needing ID) being added in the background to the front end of the queue? Sometimes when I go from one page to the next in sequence, I see a carryover of one or a few observations now shown first on the following page which had been the last ones displayed on the previous page. The only explanation I can guess is that new observations were added to the front of the list, i.e. at the beginning of page 1, which pushed subsequent observations along the queue.
Q3. If I “Mark All As Reviewed” at the bottom of an ID page, and move on to the next page, is there a background refresh of observations in queue? I see that if I mark a page thus, and either go back a page OR refresh the current page, a revised set of unreviewed observations is displayed. IF I mark all on a page as reviewed and immediately navigate to the next page (not using “View More”), will I miss earlier observation in the queue which I didn’t review?
The direction I’m heading is that when I open an ID session, I want that set of observations to be “sticky”, i.e. not changing until I explicitly request a refresh or reset. Page changes and marking things as reviewed within a session should not automatically or immediately result in a refresh. After I understand the expected behavior of the ID mode better, I may put in an explicit Feature Request for this functionality.