Regional site language settings such as French (Canada) and English (UK) don't affect common name priority within a place like their generic counterparts français and English do

I’m seeing something similar. My account is definitely set for English / Canada (double checked!), but I’m suddenly seeing the French / Canada name prioritized above the English / Canada name for Rubus idaeus. I’m not seeing it for any other species, but I suspect that it’s because the English regional name has higher priority than any French regional name. In every instance I checked, an English name had the higher priority; probably not surprising given probably far more North American Anglophones are on iNat. Hence Rubus idaeus is being listed as Framboisier on the taxon page and elsewhere, and not as Red Raspberry because the French regional name for Canada has higher priority.



There was mention recently of changes to how names are prioritized, so perhaps that did something: