Setting for the content of 'All Updates'?

Presumably a quick question: is there any way to limit what is shown in the ‘All Updates’ timeline?

I like identifying things, and the volume of “ added an identification” updates are drowning out my subscriptions. I’ve found the setting to turn those updates off completely, but I’d like them to still show up in the little speech bubble at the top of the screen, or some separate screen.

Sort of, you can turn off confirming identifications. That will greatly reduce the number of notifications you get. You could also mute users whose activity you don’t want to be notified of.

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Any progress on managing our notifications ?


From when that was asked a couple weeks ago:


Yes, thank you. That was my post.
Still whining. Losing hope that we will ever see progress.

Not possible to only show them in the notifications bubble area, sorry!

By this do you mean subscriptions as in Subscriptions proper (to taxa and places, managed at If so, you might consider “tracking” these instead by using a bookmarked link to an Identify filter, e.g. reptiles and amphibians in Sweden: instead of by scanning through your dashboard.

Also, could you update your iNat Forum username to match your iNat username? thank you!


On my home page, there’s a “My Content” and “Following” button next to All Updates under the menu. Would that help?

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