Tagged users in "Notes" aren't notified?

Tagging a user in the “Notes” section of an observation doesn’t seem to send any notification to the tagged user. Intended or no?

See this observation for an example.


seems like it might be inconsistent behaviour, because I’ve been tagged in notes before and received a notification


I can corroborate this

Some days ago this happened to me as well.
I was tagged in the notes, and by chance found the observation myself few hours later - I definitely did not receive a notification.

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I often recieve tag notification days after it happened.

I mentioned someone in the Notes once, with no response. When I checked on it later, it looked like a profile link without the little oval around it that appears when you mention someone in a comment.

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I have happened to stumble across quite a few observations where I was tagged in the Notes but never received a notification for them. I can’t seem to remember ever getting a notification from being tagged in the Notes, only in the comments.

I did some testing around this this morning:

  • If I upload an observation in a browser and tag someone in the notes before submitting, no notification is generated.

  • If I then edit that observation in a browser, change nothing in the notes, and click Save, no notification is generated.

  • If I edit that observation in a browser and add new text to notes and save changes, a notification is generated.

  • If I take an existing observation and add a new tag to it, a notification is generated.

  • If I upload an observation in the iOS app and tag someone before uploading, a notification is generated.

  • If I edit an observation in the iOS app and tag someone, a notification is generated.

  • If I look for my android device to use it for testing this, I can’t find it.

I wrote up a bug report for the web uploader.


OK, this has been fixed. It’s working for me.


so tagging anyone anywhere should always generate a notification now?

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Hmm OK I guess it doesn’t work if you edit an existing observation and tag someone in the Notes, this is different than a mention in a new observation’s notes doesn’t generate a notification. I’ll make a bug report for that.

Note to self: make sure when testing this that the account you’re mentioning isn’t muting you.

As far as I can tell, mentioning users in the Notes section should generate a notification, as long as they’re not muting or blocking you…

I can’t promise that, this bug report is just for mentions in the Notes section of observations. Off the top of my head, mentions in moderation notes don’t generate notifications.