Tagged users in "Notes" aren't notified?

I did some testing around this this morning:

  • If I upload an observation in a browser and tag someone in the notes before submitting, no notification is generated.

  • If I then edit that observation in a browser, change nothing in the notes, and click Save, no notification is generated.

  • If I edit that observation in a browser and add new text to notes and save changes, a notification is generated.

  • If I take an existing observation and add a new tag to it, a notification is generated.

  • If I upload an observation in the iOS app and tag someone before uploading, a notification is generated.

  • If I edit an observation in the iOS app and tag someone, a notification is generated.

  • If I look for my android device to use it for testing this, I can’t find it.

I wrote up a bug report for the web uploader.