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Sometime ago I set up email notifications for people I follow which worked fine. In May I turned these off as I was on holiday. I tried to restore the email notifications recently and have ticked the box in the email notifications section but have not received any emails even though the people I follow have entered onbservations.
Paul Landers
When you turned email notifications back on in the settings, Did you click “Save Settings”? It is necessary to click “Save Settings”, or the changes won’t be registered.
@paullanders I see you had also unsubscribed from the daily update emails via our email sender. You should start receiving them again this week. Sorry for the confusion.
It’s usually the result of clicking the Unsubscribe link in one of the emails iNaturalist sends you. However, I think email providers may do it as well. One way to hopefully prevent the latter is by adding to your contacts.