"Unknown" notification

Platform (Android, iOS, Website): website

Browser, if a website issue (Firefox, Chrome, etc) : chrome

Step 1: Click on the notifications icon in the upper right of the main web page. Among my notifications, one shows “Unknown.”


The unknown is for this observation: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/17743863

It does not appear that anything has changed with this observation in 3 years.


I got this too. One today and one yesterday. I also couldn’t find anything that changed.

In our logs, there’s one vote made someone that was then deleted, so we don’t know much about the vote itself. Still looking into why it generated that specific notification.

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I just got one of these. It’s the first time it has happened. Screen capture shows the notification.

Clicking the notification takes me to this observation, where there has been no activity that I can see: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/98196035
Also, NOTHING appeared on my dashboard for that timestamp:

My interface is Safari browser 14.1.2 (15611., 15611), on Catalina 10.15.7 operating system

Perhaps some engagement, which was deleted, but the notification is a zombie?

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I like that characterization :)
Yeah, this glitch isn’t too big a problem since it happens only rarely (so far)

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This just happened to me too!

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iNaturalist is haunted.

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I just got one of these unknown notifications for this observation: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/94026697

I also got my first one today:

Interesting, it’s in English too.

Platform: Website

Browser: Chrome

URLs (aka web addresses) of any relevant observations or pages: 1, 2

Description of problem: Several of my notifications only say “unknown”. It seems to pop up when someone IDs one of my observations. I’ve never had this problem before and I’m not doing anything differently on my end so I’m not really sure what triggered this to start happening now.


Might the ID / comment / whatever have been deleted before you got to it. The dead notification lingers …

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from memory I’ve received these when someone added my observation to a project

Hmm… I don’t think either of these observations are in any projects I haven’t already joined. Good theory though!

this might be relevant: https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/unknown-notification/27024

i faved and then unfaved this observation (https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/160451291) just to see if it triggered anything strange.

I just got another unknown notification on that observation! That must be what’s triggering it. Well done! :)

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i wonder why folks like things one minute and then don’t like the next?


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I accidentally hit f on the Identify modal more often than I’d like to admit, so I’ve faved and unfaved observations quite a few times.

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