Upload fails on Next app

Pick load obs from camera roll
Combine 4 photos into 2 obs
Choose upload

App says upload is complete, but then displays a :warning: on icon indicating upload failed.

iNat Next, iOS 18, iPhone 16:

Any thoughts? I still cannot up load my first two Next observations.

Uploading them different ways, but no joy.

Weird, I’m looking at your activity from the last week and I see a number of successful observation creations, but no failures. If I follow your steps with my own photos it works (it’s not clear to me if you’re tapping UPLOAD NOW from the edit screen or the upload button on MyObs).

Is this problem only happening for certain photos and if so could you attach them here?

Actually I am seeing some errors associated with your IP address and not your user ID about not having an auth token… which might happen if you did something like change your password on the website or logged out of iNat Next from https://www.inaturalist.org/users/edit#applications. Do either of those sound familiar?

Another thread has an issue that could potentially be related about credentials moving between web and new app:


I am using a new phone and new iOS , but my account and login are the same.

I added and combined 4 pics into 2 obs using Next.

I’ve now used several upload modalities, which all conk out about 1/4 way thru the upload process.

I added screen captures showing the progress and end result.

What more may be helpful to you?


I think, these

Hmmm… is it conceivable the error is from switching between the old phone and the new one? The old phone still works (on the internet) but not the cell phone service.

@teellbee, thanks for the extra info. Would you please answer these questions?

  1. Did you change your iNat password since logging into iNat Next, either in iNat Next or anywhere else?
  2. Did you log out of iNat Next from https://www.inaturalist.org/users/edit#applications?
  3. Did you log out of the iNat website or iNat native iOS app since logging in to iNat Next?

FWIW, I tried switching from website to iNat Next to the native iOS app and I didn’t experience any auth failures, so I don’t think the problem here is only about swtiching between apps. If you’re having trouble uploading in the native iOS app, this might not be a problem with iNat Next.

No, same password, same Gmail. No intentional logout. Don’t think there’s a problem with iNat orig, but have not tried uploading on that app.

I did not know (or remember) one could log out, though the app has sometimes logged me out when I used a different device (iPhone, iPad, iMac ).

Do you want me to log out?

I was thinking of deleting the 2 obs that still are waiting to upload.

Do you think that’s a good idea?

Yeah, I would try logging out of iNat Next within the app and then log back in. You’ll lose your two un-uploaded obs, but hopefully they’re still in your photos and you can import them again. When you sign back in you should get a new auth token and be good to go, but I’m still stumped on how you got into this state in the first place.

It’s working. I deleted the stalled obs, then logged out and back in. Now I can add obs directly from the Photo Library or from within Next using the Photo Library

Thank you.


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