Weird flashing glitch on "explore" map on Android

Platform : Android

App version number: 1.20.23 (454)

Screenshots of what you are seeing: added a short video:.

Description of problem: When I zoomed out to maximum on the explore map, it just started to blink and I couldn’t get it to go away. I was searching with the filter of a specific user.

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I can’t replicate on my Pixel 3a. Looks like you’re using a beta version of the app, though. Can you please send log files to and let us know which device you’re using?

To send log files, go to the About tab in the app and tap three times on the version number. You will then have the option to email the log files to us. Please make sure to choose 10/13 as the start date for which files to send.

This is a beta version of the app, is anyone who’s using 1.20.22 experiencing it?

I have a pixel 4xl
Just sent the logs

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