When trying to flip to the next observation, only the name changes

are you using only the green buttons? are you sure the final navigation prior to you noticing a problem isn’t via the browser’s back / forward navigation?

or if you are using only the green buttons, do you see the problem only when clicking immediately after making some sort of update to the original observation (ex. add an identification)? (that might be the sort of thing described in a previous bug report: https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/problem-with-previous-record-functionality/3938 .)

i can occasionally reproduce the problem this second way if i do the following:

  1. start on an observation with the green buttons enabled and the browser window throttle to (slow) 3G speed.
  2. make a new identification on the observation
  3. a split second after the identification is submitted, but before the original observation is updated to reflect the new identification, click one of the green buttons
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