This is something I have been trying to figure out for years and it has me stumped. From my experience most mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, insects, and so on come in one color pattern and while other color patterns may occur, they are often rare.
So why is it that a wide variety of tide-pool species are frequently found in more than one color pattern. (If this occurs in other habitats or species let me know.)
For example, I’ve seen both orange and purple variations of the ochre sea star.
Mottled stars come in a very large range of colors.
I’ve seen members of the genus of isopods Gnorimosphaeroma (which are usually dark grey) in orange. Are they a completely different species, maybe?
Individuals of different snailfish species (such as the tidepool snailfish) can have many different color patterns and markings
Stout coastal shrimp.
Crescent gunnels.
And I’ve seen this in many other species. I’m guessing they are all caused by different things. A lot of these species aren’t even from the same phylum. A few of my theories are that they change color as they age, it’s because of what they eat, or what habitat they live in.
So, does anyone know why any of these are caused?
(All the observation links I put down lead to my own observations but other people’s show the same thing.)