Audio files display 0:00/0:00 and play no sound on saved observations

App version number, if a mobile app issue (shown under About in the side menu): 0.49.0 (118)

Screenshots of what you are seeing (instructions for taking a screenshot on computers and mobile devices:

Description of problem (please provide a set of steps we can use to replicate the issue, and make as many as you need.):

Step 1: record audio
Step 2: Sometimes add an ID, sometimes not (sometimes had no internet)
Step 3: save observation (none were uploaded at the time of observation)

Now, 1-5 days later, none of the audio plays any sound. The files appear to be there but they all say, as with the screenshot above, 0:00/0:000 for audio length. This morning, roughly 10-15% of the observations we tested still had the original audio file length (ie 0:14 seconds) and played the audio. They were the most recent recordings made (yesterday). We didn’t upload them and now—a few hours later—they, too, show 0:00/0:00.

Some of the observations have one audio recording, some have two. One of the observations was originally created also with a photo in it and the photo is still there

Tried to upload one of them to see what happens. The upload stops making progress almost right away, and the wheel keeps spinning. Tried to batch upload all 12 observation and it stops making progress on the first observation in the same manner.

Restarted device. Did not change situation. Uploaded an observation from a photo saved on our device and that worked fine. Recorded our voice, identified it as human, saved observation, then uploaded observation and audio was intact.

Thanks for reporting this. Made an issue here:

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Recorded a 7-second sound clip in Inat Next on 10/22 at 12:22pm. Identified and saved but did not upload the observation.

Tested the audio on the saved observation on 10/23/24 at 10:06am. The sound file displays 0:00/0:00 but when we press play, it plays the 7 second bird sound recorded yesterday.

Tested the audio on the saved observation on 10/23/24 at 2:25pm. It says 0:00/0:00 and when we press play, no sound plays

Hope this provides some insight