Cannot remove profile photo

I see your new photo on the website.

Interesting, it still shows as the old photo for me on the website (not the forum, which has updated).

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It is weird, it happened for me on another website once, when old one was shown for me until I restarted browser, it was likely because it was stored in cache, not sure if it’s anything like that for you.


I got more clarification about caching, which I think might be behind this. Profile pics are cached in two places: Amazon Web Services servers (which is where we store all images on iNat), and another cache header.

The AWS server is what other users see, so if I go to @malisaspring’s profile my browser would load the profile pic from AWS. The AWS cache should clear within 15 minutes or so, but we don’t have total control over clearing time.

The cache header is what’s stored locally (like in your browser’s cache), and that can take up to 24 hours to clear. So when you update your profile pic and immediately see your old profile pic, the browser is just using the cached image. But you might be able to speed that cache clearing up by clearing the cache on your browser or hard refreshing a page.

FWIW I just changed my profile pic and everything updated instantly.

Bottom line: it might take up to 24 hours or so for you to see your new profile pic, but you can try clearing your browser’s cache to see if that speeds things up.


Trying to change my profile photo and it keeps reverting back to old one. Tried deleting, saving, logging out and back in, reverted. Cleared cache, no change.
I’m on Win 10, Chrome.

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have you waited the recommended 24 hours?

I had this issue with the web-based platform, using Chrome. I circumvented by doing this through the iOS app. Never had a single problem changing picture using the app, always had an issue using Chrome.

see my post below. The Chrome route is buggy, the iOS app route worked – for me.

I changed my profile pic but it took 48 hours to show up on my profile page and about 72 hours to show up in stuff like IDs and comments

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I don’t have access to iOS device. I had not read that it took 24 hours to change a profile photo. Have you tried any other browsers with success?
I just checked iNat. While my old icon shows here, the new one is now on iNat.


I tried for an evening, nothing changed, came back next day and it changed immeadiately.

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Yes there is. I’ve seen this same issue reported in news items, where google has had to remove cached data after people have complained. I can’t remember the exact process involved but if you do some searching (perhaps not with google!) you should be able to find some results

I might try with another browser, or with Android app. Seems like a cache data issue.

I am now having a very odd problem I tried to change my profile picture from {1} to {2} - I didn’t see any difference (although checking on another computer showed it had worked). I then tried to change from {2} to {3} and now it is displaying correctly in some places and wrong in others (see screenshot)!




A caching issue, which should resolve over time?

Having the same experience - very frustrating. However, posting this to thank everyone for this thread so I now know I’m not completely losing my mind. Will check in a day or two to see if it actually changed.

Hi all, I’m new here but when I tried to change my profile picture it wasn’t changing and kept reverting back to my old picture, does anyone know why this is?

Welcome! I moved your post to an existing topic that I think covers this issue. Please take a look at the previous posts. For what it’s worth, I see this as your profile photo:

Is this your old profile photo, or the new one?

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Thanks, I’ll have a look at the above posts