CC-licensed images not loading, and then painfully slowly in South Africa

This does sound like similar issues that ISPs in both the US and Mexico have had with images in the iNaturalist Amazon Open Data Set (all iNat images are stored on Amazon Web Services servers, but if they have a CC license they’re stored in separate “bucket” with a different domain.). I changed the title of this thread to better reflect the specific situation that seems to be occuring here. There unfortunately isn’t much we can do about it.

One thing that seemed to work for Mexican users was changing their DNS service to Google. The instructions there are specific to Telmex and in they’re in Spanish but a quick Duck Duck Go search shows there are plenty of available instructions for changing one’s DNS server. Might be worth a try.

Are you able to load some of the images @pisum linked to on a mobile device when it’s using mobile data and not wifi? If so, do you have a different mobile ISP than you do at home?