Has anyone tried sharing photos *to* iNaturalist Next?

I’ve been curious to see if anyone’s posted this yet, but no one has so I’ll do so. It’s possible to select photos in your Photos app, tap on the share button, and share them with iNat Next (I’ve blacked out my contacts in the screenshot below):

There’s an annoying hitch that we can hopefully remove that shows you this next:

But if you just tap “Post” you’ll be taken to iNat Next. If you’re sharing one photo you’ll go to the observation edit screen. If you’re sharing more than one photo, you’ll be taken to the Group Photos screen.


I tried today after seeing this post. You’re right, getting rid of that pop up would be good. Or if it can’t be removed, maybe making it more clear that whatever you type there is going to end up in the observation’s notes. Once something is typed there in the notes, it’s not clear to me how to delete it when you’re inside iNat Next. I can open the notes and “clear” them, but you can’t press “done” until something else is typed in the field.

I tried this today. My first attempt failed, but I’m going to assume user error, because I got it to work 3 times in a row afterwards.

I agree that the text entry pop up could be removed, but even if it stays, it’s nice to have the option upload that way.

Edit, I just realized that wherever you put in that space ends up in the observation notes. Some people may like that. I don’t think it will be super intuitive for new users.



If sharing from the Gallery is not supported in the Android app I am sure I will make a Feature Request for it.
And what about the storage use of this app when sharing photo’s with iNaturalist Next?

I posted several observations with pictures onto iNat Next through the app and had great success with the uploading process but I will have to try this process sometime soon and will get back to you on this

Didn’t realize that iNat next is out until I read this post. I realy love the to upload starting with the foto gallery! Also uploading is much faster in iNat next!

I often make a lot of observations with both, one or a number of pictures each. That is much easier in iNat next. I just don’t upload fotos with the old version anymore. :-)

I would be great, if I could do the same out of my MS ondrive foto gallery.

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Nevermind! I tried again this time selecting multiple pictures and was able to share directly with iNaturalist and the edit observation screen popped up immediately with all 3 pictures.

Is this with iOS? Or a separate app?
I have a friend who shared her pictures with inat and was able to post them as an observation I was super impressed. My android does not have this option unfortunately. I can’t remember what phone she had.

I used this feature severeal times two weeks ago or so. But a least on my device it does not work anymore. I left a comment in the feedback menu when it stopped working.

It still works on mine. Have you done any recent updates?

No specific updates. It stopped working independend of an update. However just recently I updated to IOS 18.0.1, but it did not change this functionality

This works nicely. I especially appreciate the ease with which it’s possible to combine and separate photos into different observations.

It’s not working in iOS 18, it’s a known bug and we’ll fix it.

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Instead of adding the text to the observation notes, could it be added as the identification? (Or a placeholder if it doesn’t match any iNat taxon)

That could maybe work as a solution for this:

I know that uploading to the website will take the image title as the ID if it matches an iNat taxon. So automatically adding IDs through meta-data seems to be possible

They’d removed the ability to make a placeholder, i don’t think the app developers liked it. But it is pretty essential to my worklow with the app being out of cell service. I’ve mostly stopped using iNat Next and am just using the old app again, because of this issue. iNat Next is nice in areas of good cell service and has some other upsides, but overall it’s a slower app to use and not very usable offline. I fear if this isn’t fixed i’ll be using iNat a lot less when the regular app gets force-replaced with ‘next’. But we will see.

This is fixed in our current beta release: https://github.com/inaturalist/iNaturalistReactNative/releases/tag/v0.51.0%2B120

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Beta release on github means not available in the app store, right?

Just gave it another try, seems to work again!

Did work!
(Tried to copy the link to my observation but this didn’t work anymore)
(Edit: copy works, pasting here doesn’t)
(Edit 2: paste works if I copy the url from the browser rather than iNat next)

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