I want to sort all my observations into two categories: Resolved (where species has been fully identified to my satisfaction and I’ve transferred whichever info I need to other databases) and Unresolved, where I still have questions about the ID or other things I need to follow up about the observation.
I can figure out how to create the lists, but I can’t figure out how to transfer individual observations (not species!) to those lists.
Welcome to the forum!
Currently the only way to do something like this is to favorite an observation. But you only get one Favorites list, other lists collect species, not observations (as you already noticed). You can do something sort of similar using a Traditional project (as opposed to a collection project), but observers can decide not to allow their observations into projects.
If you’re trying to make a List similar to your Life List (automatically created when you signed up for an iNat account), I’m afraid it doesn’t work like that. I tried. Lists are by taxa (species and such), not Observation.
From Help:
What are lists?
Lists are simply lists of taxa (not observations). For example, you could make a list called “My Favorite Turtles” and add all your favorite turtles. There are a number of different kinds of lists, and they behave in different ways.
Just a simple list of taxa with no special behavior.
Life List
Automatically updates based on your observations. Everyone on iNat has a default life list that contains every species that person has observed. If you delete an observation or change your ID, the species will get removed. You can also manually add taxa to your life list just like you can with an ordinary list. The species you add manually won’t get removed if you observe them and then delete the observation.
You can also make additional life lists for specific groups of organisms, like a life list of birds, or a life list of milkweeds.
To keep track of my Observations that have not yet reached Research Grade, I keep a tab open in my browser (you could bookmark yours for later reference) that searches for Needs ID, Your (that is, my) Observations, with myself as Person. I made the Date Added Asc(ending), as I’m not particularly interested in my most recent Uploads which might not have been around long enough to attract and ID.
(You could, of course, create another search that looks for Research Grade instead of Needs ID… or any other criteria you want.)
Actually, since you’re the observer on all the observations you want to sort, I think tags might do what you want (you can’t tag observations that are not your own).
Thanks so much for your responses. I will try out the tagging technique, though it seems a bit labor-intensive.
What would really be great is if we could make “sets” for our own use and put individual observations into these by checking a checkbox next to each observation in the list or grid view, like putting individual emails in folders in Gmail, for example.
Have you tried batch editing? Go to https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/adamwelz and choose Batch edit. Then you can use the check boxes next to the ones you want to add a tag to. (Tags are under Batch Operations → More Fields)
there is the Reviewed flag. i think by default when you make an ID on an observation, it automatically gets checked, but you can also manually check or uncheck it. i think it’s easier to check or uncheck the flag for multiple observations from the Identify screen, but you can also do it one observation at a time from the Observation detail screen.
so if you wanted to come back to an observation later, you could just make sure the Reviewed flag on that is unchecked, and then search for unreviewed observations when you’re ready to revisit.