Does the Inaturalist app load very slow on any Motorola phone users?
Not a Motorola, but I’ve generally found the Android app to be very sluggish and unresponsive. When searching via Explore, I usually need to go in and repeat the search twice to get results to load in a timely fashion; opening new tabs or observations can require several seconds of waiting; and sometimes when identifying existing observations, the app can get stuck for several seconds, or permanently, after I select an ID.
My hope is that these issues won’t be as prominent in the new app (and that Android gets the new app sooner than later!).
My app was really slow - I re-installed it - now acting quite normal
@martin_der_prinz. Ok thanks for the helpful information!
@martin_der_prinz. I just re-installed the app and mine is acting normal now.
Interesting! I’ll give this a try. I wonder if it’s an issue related to accumulation of data on the device, such as in the cache or somewhere else.
@guerrichache. That’s an interesting idea.
You may be right.
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