App version number, if a mobile app issue (shown under Settings or About): 1.29.2 (576) Please note that the language of the system is English and it differs from the language selected in the app.
Region for common names: Czechia
Browser, if a website issue (Firefox, Chrome, etc) :
URLs (aka web addresses) of any relevant observations or pages:
Screenshots of what you are seeing (instructions for taking a screenshot on computers and mobile devices:
Description of problem (please provide a set of steps we can use to replicate the issue, and make as many as you need.):
Step 1: Set the app to Czech.
Step 2: Use the app for some time.
Step 3: See many strings be in English. The first and most annoying being the common names, but scientific name strings like “Genus” or “Complex” as well and also some app strings like tabs “OBSERVATIONS”, “SPECIES”, “OBSERVERS”, “IDENTIFIERS”.
Step 4: Switch the app to English. Switch the app back to Czech.
The same happens for every Android version I have used using Dutch and many names appearing in English or scientific names first. Even though I have it set to Dutch names first. It happens so often I barely pay attention to it most of the time…
Good enough. However, I suspect there to be multiple causes of this. I feel it sometimes, somehow, has something to do with other info I load in the app. Some interaction between languages feels to have an impact on the displayed name. I can’t quite pinpoint when it exactly happens though.
Okay, it gets… more elaborate. I just checked my account settings, and after logging out and in, the language settings apparently changed to “use device language”. It wasn’t on that before. I now changed it to Dutch, and again, all names are in Dutch again.
I described a suspected cause for a language change in an above post. But maybe the displayed names on the observation page changing to English is caused simply by going to the ‘Activity/My content’ page in the app.
I have some semi-related issues where certain species names only appear in Thai now when I only use the website in english. Oh well, it helps me learn the species names in Thai. I don’t know what triggered it but a few have swapped over.
This bug report is for the Android app, not the iNat website. I suspect what you’re seeing is not related, but without specific examples it’s not really possible to tell.
The issue is persisting. And is getting awfully annoying now.
My system language is English (all my IT devices/systems are in English).
iNat however was set to German because that’s the language that works for plants and birds for me. I just don’t know them in English.
Now however I have an app interface that remains in German (although English would be fine there), but crucially all observations are in English – might as well be in Greek or Chinese, as far as I am concerned! :-/
Also the Wikipedia links default to English now.
Would the powers responsible for screwing this up please unscrew this asap?