Observation image can't be added to taxon pages

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Description of problem:

The taxon Metarhizium novozealandicum has 1 RQ observation, but when trying to add a pic from that observation the search UI cannot find any images. Even when just searching for the ID 973690 nothing comes up. I think there is something bugged about this specific observation.

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‘Added as part of a taxon swap’
maybe it needs a day to feed thru the system? No 5 years ago - maybe the taxon swap is broken?

Similarly, I can confirm my failure to be able to add either of the RG images for this taxon (website, Mac OS 15.1.1, Chrome 131.0.6778.140). They simply don’t show up under the available Observations (see screen capture).
Could this have something to do with a disjunction between iNat networks (e.g. iNaturalisNZ)?

I do think it’s something to do with the taxon swap. I noticed in the image details here that the images were already used on the taxon page for the species this belonged to before the split Metarhizium flavoviride (I removed the pics from the old taxon page, but you can see them in the history here). So this did seem to work before the taxon swap and not after.

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I see that the taxon has one photo, the main photo from the observation. I don’t see that observation’s second photo as an option to add, though:

Does that reflect what others are seeing now?

I doubt it, all network sites access the same database and use the same underlying software, the differences are basically cosmetic.

Yep, Tony. That’s what I’m seeing now. What changed?

I’m not sure! :person_shrugging: It’s possible that the observation was reindexed by some of the activity this thread drew to it and that helped surface it in the photo editor. But it’s odd to me that only one photo is available, not both.

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Yep, I also now see one photo but not the other.

Around the time I made this thread I did also agree with the ID on the observation to see if that would do something. At the time it didn’t change anything, but maybe it put some kind of reindexing in a queue that eventually helped? It’s pretty odd that it is only finding one of the images though.

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