Is there a way to organize your observations on the Observations (grid) page? I would like to have them neatly categorized rather than have to scroll through and search.
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There isn’t way to drag/drop observations or similar, but you can look at all your observations from a given taxon or location by putting those into the search bar at top. You can also use the search filters as well.
You can also look at your lifelist (available from Profile → Lists or by editing this URL to use your username which may show info in a way you’d like.
The filters are great if you want to e.g. search for observations made in a particular location, or sort them by date observed vs. uploaded etc. In addition, I find a couple other pages useful as well:
- The Species tab under Your Observations will show you your most commonly observed species and when you click on the number of observations per species it will bring up a list of those. Great if you want to know what you are seeing most frequently.
- The Calendar view is great if you want to get a list of all the observations made on a particular day, complete with info which of these were your first ever observations of that taxon.
Edited to add: If you have a particular theme (e.g. “my backyard”) you can add a tag and use that to search for all your observations with that tag. That might be another way to quickly “sort” observations into categories. You can add tags on the website or I think the Android app, I don’t think the iPhone app supports them.
can also be made into a project
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