a little off topic, but after loading a bunch of observations over the CNC, i was surprised to find that iNaturalist seems to have at least 2 different kinds of processes(?) that pick up stuff to be uploaded. a lot of my observations were in Memorial Park in Houston, and i upload via the web on a connection that is not super fast. most of the time, the location would pop up in the observation more or less right away, or within a few seconds, and it would show as “Washington Avenue Coalition / Memorial Park…”, and then the photo would continue loading. but every once in a while, the location would not appear until the photo seemed to be fully loaded, and in these cases, the location would finally display as “Harris County…”. it seemed to be random, maybe with a ratio somewhere between 6:1 and 3:1 the former vs the latter. i don’t know if this is a bad thing, but i was just surprised that there were 2 different behaviors. i would normally expect systems to behave more consistently.