Retry Uploads on the Browser Uploader

Whoops, thanks! Fixed.

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the behavior i see now is that if there’s an error on your side (such as no internet connection or a network block), then the page seems to retry (up to three images together) a few times in quick succession within the first second or two and then makes reattempts roughly every 3 seconds thereafter for about 20 more seconds. if it’s not successful after that time, then the image load fails and the page moves onto the next image (or set of images). so i guess if you didn’t have a worse than 9 in 10 chance of failed uploads before, then this should allow you to load your a lot more of your images successfully, although it might seem to cause the image upload time to increase substantially, if it has to retry many times to get a given image uploaded.

one interesting thing is that if the image is failing to load, and i remove it from the upload page while it’s making reattempts, then it will actually continue to make the reattempts until time runs out or it’s successful. it doesn’t look like that harms anything, but ideally, the page would stop the reattempts as soon as the image is removed from the page.

… and unrelated, but i noticed it while i was testing, if i have an image with a filename that includes a taxon name, when i load it successfully, the page will make 2 successive calls to /v1/taxa/[taxon_id] that return the same information. i can see why it might need to make one call, but the second one seems to be just extra work probably.

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This problem also exists on the iOS app. When uploading a long list of obs I almost always have to hit the upload button 2 or 3 times because a significant portion of the uploads fail.

This request is specifically for the web uploader. If you have an issue uploading in the iOS app, it would be best to make a new topic in Bug Reports with details of the problem.

I’m going to close this request as it’s been implemented and in the last few days we haven’t heard back from any of the folks who were encountering the issue it’s supposed to fix.