Platform: Website
Browser: Chrome, but happens with all browsers I’ve tried
URLs of any relevant observations or pages: NA
Screenshots of what you are seeing:
- note that the Astoa egens observation is the final one in this sequence. - note that the observations are all in correct temporal order except for the first one, which is the Astoa egens observation, the last observation of the series and is out of temporal order, being placed as first rather than last.Description of problem:
When you upload a batch of photos they’re all in correct temporal order except for the on you used as a handle to drag the images to the iNat upload page. Whichever image you used as the drag handle winds up being the first one in sequence instead of being in its correct place in the sequence.
In the posted example the final observation winds up being placed first, but experiments I’ve done show that it’s any image you use as the drag handle that winds up being the first one in the sequence.
This is a minor bug, but it can be annoying if you have an observation with multiple photos that need to be combined and you are uploading enough images that they overflow the viewing area of the screen. To combine images in that case you have to fiddle with the screen size (using Ctrl - on a Windows machine) so that the observations are shrunk in size to the point where you can get the observations to be combined visible on the same page, then drag them (dragging rather than using the combine feature so that you can assign the photo order at the time of upload), then return the screen to the normal size (Ctrl 0).
The way around this is the make your upload selection, then go back to the beginning of it, and drag your observation using the first image rather than the last (or other), but that’s a bit annoying.
Better if observation uploads stay in their proper order at the time of upload.
It’s a minor annoyance, but one that crops up all the time for me.