Why don't these observations show up in this project? - "Official" Topic

Hello, I am having a similar problem, where observations that are within Sleeping Giant Provincial Park boundaries, tagged in a similar location, show that they are part of the Park, however don’t show up in the Park’s Project - https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/sleeping-giant-provincial-park

I have edited the location of this observation a couple times, and it doesn’t appear in the project:

The other observations that I have made within the park, that aren’t appearing in the project are:


It just appears to be within a certain location in the park. The boundaries are correct, the observation range doesn’t exceed the boundaries. They show up on the map of the park (see picture below) but still don’t show up in the project.

Sorry for the bother, and thanks for your time,

welcome to the forum

your observations are not appearing in the project because they do not fall within the place Sleeping Giant Provincial Park. If you zoom in on the park boundaries, you’ll see there’s a big square hole in it

your missing observations are all located within this hole


Wow thank you for the quick reply, yes that makes sense. Thanks for pointing that out, as it only appears on that particular map, and doesn’t correspond to the locaitons in the list above, which saying SGPP. Will adjust, thanks!


I have a collection project, but certain posts that fit the criteria are not showing up in the project after 24 hours.

Project: https://inaturalist.ca/projects/buck-hill-in-sect-63-metchosin-bc

Post that does show up: https://inaturalist.ca/observations/190275513

Post that does not show up: https://inaturalist.ca/observations/190250280


Welcome to the forum!

The one that isn’t in the project is outside the geographic area defined for the project.

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