When downloading a CSV the column taxon_common_name does not contain the common name of the selected languague if the language <> English. Can an column be added with the local common name?
Downloaden CSV Taxonomisch CSV
Interesting. Some checklists like https://www.inaturalist.org/check_lists/1586651-Naamlijst-van-de-Nederlandse-Libellen return a csv with the Dutch common name in the selected language but this one, which takes some minutes for processing, https://www.inaturalist.org/check_lists/7862-Netherlands-Check-List?page=1&view=plain does not.
An example of this file https://www.inaturalist.org/lists/1579594-Naamlijst-van-de-vaatplanten-in-Nederland.csv with in this examples the common names in English, but sometimes they are spanish or unreadable characters.
It looks like a bug, small lists work fine but over 800 species causes troubles…
An issue is created for it.