Missing translations into Spanish

In INaturalist in Spanish there are several cases in which no translations were made, I would like to know if this can be solved in any way.
Here are some of the main examples but I know there are probably more.
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Here’s the link on translatewiki to help with translating the website into Spanish: https://translatewiki.net/w/i.php?title=Special:Translate&group=out-inaturalist&language=es&filter=!translated&action=translate

More detailed instructions here, if you’re not yet signed up to help translate on translatewiki: https://www.inaturalist.org/pages/translate

Thank you @bouteloua, but the page of Getting Started can be translated with Translatewiki?

No, as far as I know, none of the pages on iNaturalist that have have “pages” in the URL are included in translatewiki.

Some of the iNat Network hubs have translated those materials internally, e.g.


I should think that including the “pages on iNaturalist that have have “pages” in the URL … in translatewiki” makes more sense then making postcards. https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/how-to-use-inaturalist-postcards/4911

Can more translations be added to https://inaturalist.ca/pages/getting-started-inaturalist-canada#francais ?

The French translation there was managed by @jpage_cwf from iNaturalist Canada. Naturalista Mexico has their own help pages (https://www.naturalista.mx/pages/ayuda). It would be great to get all of the Spanish-speaking countries coordinating help/getting started/etc, and maybe that will help us come up with a better process for the wiki pages that is scalable for other languages. Any curator can edit the wiki pages, but most curators aren’t comfortable wading into the html formatting in those pages.

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And I am also missing a manual or page https://www.inaturalist.org/pages/ for the Android app, e.g. what are missions https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/create-filter-option-in-user-interface-to-exclude-species-youve-observed/5790/2?u=optilete or what is the ‘Mark all as viewed’’ option https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/mark-all-observations-as-seen-on-app/1995

@optilete we don’t have comprehensive documentation for every feature of the site and apps. The forum is thankfully helping fill some of those gaps, at least in English.

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