Search by location accuracy under Edit Observations/Batch Edit

On the web platform please can you allow searching by accuracy when you click on ‘Batch edit’ and ‘Search’.

This would allow one to search for their observations which don’t have an location accuracy (eg acc=false) or above a threshold (eg. acc_above=10000) and then you can correct those to improve the data quality of ones observations.

I like the idea but I don’t think anything significant about that page will change until the entire thing is redesigned.

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Thank you for the update. Is a redesign of this page in the pipeline? Is there already a discussion thread for suggestions for that page which this should be added to - I could not find it.

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There isn’t. We’re still working on notifications (and focusing on scaling issues as well) so it would be some time before we get to revamping the edit page.

someone wrote a tutorial describing how to batch edit a list of specific observations: this seems like it would offer a way to do what you’re asking for.

i would offer an alternative to the steps 2 & 3 in the tutorial. instead of exporting a list of observations and filtering down that list, i would just produce a list of observation ids using an API request and a little parsing of the response.

for example, this ( returns:


do a little find-and-replace, trim the beginning and end, and you get this:

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Wow! fantastic. Thank you so much pisum.