''species'' column on my profile says ''0'' when it should be 3310

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The ‘‘species’’ section of my profile keeps on showing as ‘‘0’’. It should be around 3300, and you can see it properly on ‘‘explore’’ page.

I thought it might be a general bug and checked others’ profile, but they seem normal.
I have tried the link on different browsers, also on my phone, and the results were the same. This is quite frightening.

I also see ‘zero’ for you, and I know it ain’t so!

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Thanks for checking, so it’s not something to do with my devices…
I really hope my observations are safe.

I don’t know what’s causing the bug but your observations are safe. Even if something did happen, they’re backed up.


Right, thanks Tony.

discrepancies between species count on the profile vs explore page have been reported occasionally before (ex. https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/different-number-of-species-in-profile-vs-explore/40617), and i assume they are related to occasional reports of discrepancies between observation count on profile vs explore page (ex. https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/discrepancy-in-observation-count-between-profile-page-and-explore-page/20009, https://forum.inaturalist.org/t/zero-observations-for-user-with-one-observation/4407). in these cases, it seems like the problem will resolve itself, seemingly spontaneously.

i would guess that whatever mechanism updates the profile just occasionally does not get triggered or fails to run completely. so i don’t know that anyone has ever tried before, but i would try just adding a dummy casual observation of a random species that you’ve never observed before, and see if that triggers that mechanism to update your species count appropriately. if so, then delete the dummy observation, and all is fine in the world.


I’ve uploaded some observations and after a while it became back to the normal state. Thanks for the inputs, everyone.


just noting this has popped up again

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