If you notice any taxon changes that seem stalled/delayed/failed can you please post them here? We can manually try to complete them on the iNat end, and it would be good to have a repository of them to see if we can find a pattern.
I’ve added some here, please add some more to this post, I’ll make it a Wiki.
Is it possible those 3 records left behind are on observations opted out of CID or automatic updates? I can’t tell from clicking on the “3” since the link to observations won’t recognize an inactive taxon. Just shows 0 observations.
This particular instance may have something to do with the user opting out of the Community taxon (and likely updates) but it was present with other users too.
I added 2 more swaps I did that I’m finding Casual observations from. Changing the DQA pushes them through and I’m doing that as I find them. All the affected users have opted out of the Community Taxon.
There’s too many to keep track of at this point. I really think even a daily method to run through inactive obs and “refresh” cases like this to correct them would work wonders.
Given any action on the observation e.g. change in ID or data quality checks “fixes” it, it must be doable to have the site do this automatically from time to time.
I’m not sure this is exactly the right place, but my issue does stem from problems related to a taxon change. In short, I changed the parent of Argynnis paphia, Argynnis hyperbius, etc. from Argynnis sensu lato (70113) to Argynnis s.s. (1117856). Most observations now correctly show under 1117856, but some of them got stuck listed as under 70113:
So if I force a re-index, they’ll fix themselves. But I’m not voting up/down on 342 observations…
Any suggestions? I thought about assigning these species to a new parent and then immediately moving them back, but there are thousands of observations and it seems silly to move them all twice to fix a small portion of them.
I added a lot of things to the wiki, but then reverted it back to the way it was, because I realize I’m not a curator and I may be misunderstanding what qualifies something to go on the list. So if anyone is browsing the edit history, that is what was going on.
The swaps I was trying to keep track of were all ones that seem to result in casual observations for people who have opted out of community ID. Usually changing the DQA (I like to upvote evidence of organism) knocks them back out of causal. However for all I know, perhaps all swaps have that effect on observers who opt out? Seems problematic either way.
I made a taxon change following the curator guide but something unexpected happened. The error is “it failed to graft to Mischocyttarus, which descends from a locked taxon. Please merge or delete, or edit and add it if it’s legit”. How do I resolve this? https://www.inaturalist.org/flags/548722
Mischocyttarus is locked because it has subgenera, and the auto-grafter doesn’t automatically graft to subgenera. So to prevent the grafter from only assigning a genus instead of a subgenus, it doesn’t assign anything at all and you have to graft (assign a subgenus) manually. That’s normally done before committing a taxon change, but I just did it now by editing the taxon and setting the parent to subgenus Kappa.
There’s quite a few taxa that have the “Heads up, this taxon will be merged” etc notification on their page, but the actual taxon swap is still sitting as a draft years later - is this just because nobody ever got around to committing the change, or is it a bug? Sorry, I’m not a curator so I’m not entirely sure how it works.