It’s a fragment of the list of species found in my country. All of the organism names are in english, yet for some reason Cygnus olor is in Lithuanian. I personally added some Lithuanian names to some of the taxa (under Taxonomy section on an organism page), but those Lithuanian names don’t appear when I scroll through species list. How is Cygnus olor name different? Is it just a glitch?
I want to know because I would like iNat to show the Lithuanian names to make the application more attractive to younger and older crowds. Older people here rarely speak english so when everything is in english and latin the app doesn’t look very appealing. Children probably would prefer Lithuanian names as well.
Is there a way for me to add the Lithuanian names to taxa so that it shows up instead of the english one? I’m dedicated to add Lithuanian names of the most common species myself.
There are 2 possible causes:
1 - the species name is simply not entered in Lithuanian
2 - Because the site is not translated into Lithuanian, when a species name is entered into the site, there is a 2nd step that needs to be taken after entering it to make it show.
You can fix #1 - what you need to do is go to the taxa page
go to the taxonomy tab, scroll down to the near the bottom and find add a name and click it.
fill in the details, with the Lithuanian name, and fill in the language, please use ‘Lithuanian’ in English as the name of the language.
after it is done and goes back to the main tab, click the Edit link next to the new name. On the screen that comes up, go to the places section, click Add place and enter Lithuania. Then save. if you don’t do this step, you will not see the name.
If people have entered a Lithuanian name, and not done this 2nd step, unfortunately you can’t fix it, once a name is entered, only the person who entered it or a site curator can edit an existing name.
In your example, Mallard was an example of #2, which I fixed, but it looks like you may have been the one to enter the name, so you could have fixed it.
@tomasp - I should also add that if there is a place where there is a spreadsheet or other electronic list of Lithuanian species names, so long as it contains the scientific name and the Lithuanian name, it is possible to get them automatically loaded by the site, so you dont have to do them 1 at a time.
If you are aware of any such resource, I can help you get the file built.
It works, but there’s way too much work :D It will take ages for me to translate even the most common species. I will ask people in our Lithuanian iNaturalist community, perhaps someone can help me find a spreadsheet of the majority of species.
I have another question though. Who sees the Lithuanian names? Is it based on the location? If a foreigner comes to Lithuania and opens up the app here, does he see the Lithuanian names? Or do you choose your language when you sign up (I can’t remember)?
You choose the language and can change back and forth in the site. There is a drop down at the bottom of the web page listing all the languages the site is translated into.
If the site is translated into a language, when you switch to that language you will see the species names (at least the ones that have been entered)* in that language.
For cases like Lithuanian, where the site is not translated, you can see the names in this language by clicking your user icon in the top right, choosing Account Settings and in the box in the centre column marked Prioritize common names used in this place and entering the appropriate place.
there is one minor case where even this will not work, but it is more relevant for cases where there are different names in the same language such as canadian English vs. American English
For birds there are Lithuan names, i did not check the others but this is the international variant, so guess 99% will not even have a Liothuanian name at all.because the species does not occur in Luthian…I stopped checking further as the website transferred fully Lithuanian…
The link is birdgroup 4, butterflies i Guess ? I think 1 will be birs
These are all excellent responses Chris! I wonder if you would be willing to collect them all (and more?) in a Tutorial (wiki?) topic about the various language specificity options on iNaturalist?
Language issues seem to come up frequently enough on the Forum, that it might handy to have a single reference topic to point everyone toward. Just a thought…
@tomasp - if you go to this page, you can get a list of (as I write this) 11,150 taxonomic concepts which have a Lithuanian common name entered in Wikidata.
You dont need a Wikidata account to run it, just press the blue arrow button. From there you can download the results, and then adjust the format to match what is in the Google file link I posted above.
Wow, that’s insane :o
I downloaded the file, fixed it a bit (the first letter of every name is in uppercase now) and here it is in CSV format:
Amazing. I’m super excited to see so many taxa translated all at once. Incredible. Thank you very much. :D
Fyi you don’t need to change the capitalization, iNat forces the names to display in a certain format regardless of how it is entered. I should have mentioned I can’t of course guarantee the accuracy of the data there, but it should mostly have been imported from good sources. I don’t think many people are manually entering that kind of stuff.
Once all the Lithuanian common names from that massive file are added to the iNaturalist database, will it be possible to kind of make me a curator of Lithuanian common names so that I could delete and rename the common names without contacting you guys? It’s over 11 000 names, there will be some mistakes in there. Lithuanian iNat users, who notice the mistakes, could contact me to fix them instead of writing to you.